Terms and Agreements:
Welcome, Thank you for choosing Arasu Healing Arts. We realize that committing to an intensive healing arts program is a huge undertaking, and we want to make sure that every student succeeds and thrives through their journey. We want your journey to be as safe, fun and exciting as possible. Thank you for taking the time to carefully read and sign the enclosed agreement packet.
We each have our own personalities and belief systems that we use to navigate our day to day experiences, some of which are beneficial for our wellbeing, others are not. This program will give you the opportunity to explore and discern those for yourself.
Here at Arasu Healing Arts, we aim to provide you with a safe environment to really dive deep and explore your inner world, make your own choices and discoveries, and come to your own conclusions about who you are, how you operate in your own paradigm, and how you want to create positive change in your life.
While this program offers the opportunity to learn to work with others in the healing arts, our primary focus is always on the individual student who chooses to step forward and say “Yes” to committing to the practice of healing.
We believe it is through the discoveries we make within ourselves that allows us to gain the experience necessary to be of service to others.
This program focuses on learning to identify your own limiting beliefs and learning techniques to dismantle the barriers that block you from accessing your own intuition, that divine knowing that exists within each and everyone of you.
May your journey be loving and kind, filled with joyful peace.
Many Blessings,
Jelan Petersen
Program Requirements
Upon acceptance into the program you will be required to comply and adhere to the policies and procedures established by Arasu Healing Arts to include, but not limited to:
- Drug and Alcohol Use Policy,
- Code of Ethics,
- Standards of Practice,
- Scope and Sequence of Professional Practice Agreement,
- Confidentiality Agreement.
You will also be required to Attend all:
- Scheduled sessions on time and for the full duration of the scheduled session.
- Practice sessions and coaching/mentor sessions.
- Complete all assigned homework and practical application exercises.
- Be willing to participate in course discussions.
- Maintain your financial agreement in good standing.
In addition, you understand and agree to your financial obligation regardless of your ability to complete the program. Meaning, you understand that you are responsible for the full payment of the course, whether or not you actually choose to complete the course for any reason.
Drug and Alcohol Use Policy
Every substance, everything, has its own energetic signature. The vibrations associated with drugs and alcohol place a cloud of distortion around the individual taking them which causes their perception of reality to be distorted as well.
Please Note:
Complimentary medicines and the healing arts do not replace the need for allopathic care, but rather support that care and the recovery of the individual. If you are actively in an addiction, it is recommended that you first seek the help of a licensed medical or mental health care provider before taking this course or seeking any complementary healing modality. Once the physical addiction has been treated, this program can support and supplement your traditional mental health therapy.
Each student in this program agrees to abstain from the use of all substances while attending classes, practice sessions, coaching calls and homework assignments that involve working with others. (You may still have a glass of wine or cocktail with friends on the weekend, just not while working with the energies.)
Signature Date
Arasu Healing Arts Code of Ethics
- Confidentiality - maintain and comply with Arasu Healing Arts Confidentiality and Participation Agreement in all professional activities.
- Integrity and Honesty - Maintain honest communication with yourself and others in all activities, correspondence, marketing materials, and professional representation of yourself and Arasu Healing Arts, LLC. Abide by all state and local laws, including but not limited to: professional liability, copyright infringement, public health and safety, business practices, and personal conduct.
- Non-Interference & Scope and Sequence - maintain and comply with Arasu Healing Arts Scope and Sequence of Professional Practice.
- Professional Conduct & Client Safety - Arasu Healing Arts expects the highest degree of professionalism from its students, graduates and affiliates. This includes, but not limited to:
- Abstaining from the use of drugs or alcohol during all professional activities,
- Refraining from engaging in personal and sexual relationships with your clients and students,
- Refraining from engaging in any immoral or illegal acts with your clients and students,
- Employing the highest degree of safety and sanitation for your clients health and welfare.
- Personal Development - Continue to work on your own healing journey through personal discovery and self-awareness. Make a commitment to maintain proper certifications and continuing education requirements.
- Respect - Strive for understanding and compassion in all your professional interactions. Refrain from imposing your personal bias, judgments and prejudice in your client sessions and be willing to continue your own healing as you recognize these within yourself. Recognize and value the inherent dignity and worth of every human being, regardless of the circumstances they appear.
Signature . Date
Standards of Practice
- Adhere to the Arasu Healing Arts’ Code of Ethics.
- Document and keep client records for all sessions in a safe and secure location to maintain clients’ confidentiality and privacy.
- Abide by all state and local laws.
- Maintain appropriate professional liability insurance and business licenses.
- Practice within the scope and sequence of your license and certifications.
- Maintain client safety and follow all state safety and sanitation requirements for public health and safety.
- Comply with all copyright laws and regulations within your practice and literatures.
- Use only Arasu Healing Arts approved curricula and teaching materials in your classes and workshops, when teaching the Arasu Healing Arts method.
- Maintain a current status for limited use of our badge and logo on your promotional materials and websites.
- Designations.
Once you have complete a program, you will refer to yourself, respectfully, as a:
Certified Arasu Reiki Jr. Practitioner
Certified Arasu Reiki Sr. Practitioner
Certified Arasu Reiki Master & Mentor
Signature . Date
Scope and Sequence of Professional Practice
As an Arasu Healing Arts Practitioner, I agree to comply with all state and local laws governing the practice of healing arts and complementary medicine modalities. I understand and acknowledge the importance of non-interference of a diagnoses or treatment plan of any kind by a licensed medical or mental health care professional, and I agree that I will never jeopardize such treatment plan, including but not limited to any medications, dietary, nutrition, exercise or any other prescribe treatment by a licensed medical or mental health care provider.
I further agree that I will never diagnose any medical or mental health condition, unless I have obtained the appropriate legal license to make such diagnoses. And, I agree to recommend and refer any client to a licensed medical or mental health care provider for any condition that falls outside of the scope and sequence of my legal abilities.
Signature . Date
Arasu Healing Arts Participation and Confidentiality Agreement
Students who participate in the practice sessions and discussions benefit from sharing personal experiences, giving and receiving supportive and constructive feedback, and experimenting with new concepts and techniques. In order for the class to work, a safe environment must be created, and expectations for students and instructors must be understood by the participants. To ensure a safe environment for personal growth, it is recommended that all participants agree to the following guidelines.
I. Confidentiality
Sharing in class can be anxiety-provoking; therefore we ask that you keep all information discussed in this course confidential. This request means that you may not discuss the identity or identifying information, or share the reactions of any student of this course with anyone outside of the Arasu Healing Arts community. You may talk about your own personal reactions, and are even encouraged to do so outside of the learning center, but not about others’ identifying information or reactions. If you are engaged in sessions with a mentor in the program, we will require a release of information so that we may facilitate proper instruction and coaching to the individuals involved in the sessions (you, the mentor and the instructor).
II. Attendance
Students are expected to make a commitment to attend all classes, practice sessions and mentor/coaching calls for the entire program. Students are also expected to login to the class, practice sessions and coaching calls on time every week. Classes, practice sessions and coaching calls will always start on time. If you are running late or have an emergency/ illness that prohibits you from coming to class, we ask that you email one of the instructors (or your mentor for your coaching call). If you know ahead of time that you will miss a later class or practice session, we ask that you share the date of your absence with the class beforehand. Class will also always end on time, no matter what is being discussed. Weekly attendance will allow everyone to continue the discussion.
Students often feel anxious about participating in discussions, and seeing the results can take time. Although the expectation is to complete the course experience, in the event you decide not to continue and have explored your concerns with the instructors and other students, we ask that you come back to the class to say goodbye. Though perhaps hard to imagine, students begin to care about one another and will feel unresolved if you leave without explanation. Please be advise that discontinuing the course program does not relinquish you from your contracted financial obligation.
III. Relationships with Other Students
Class is not a place to make social friends, and if you use it this way, you may not experience the intended benefits. Class is an opportunity to learn to develop professional relationships in which you learn more about yourself and the ways in which you relate to your future clients. You may have strong feelings toward some students of the program, as you do with people in your life. However, class can be a safe environment to explore those feelings and the way you act on them. If you do have contact with someone outside of the program, we ask that you share that contact with the class at the next meeting.
IV. Active Participation
Students are not required to talk in class, but we know that the more you put in, the more benefits you will receive. We will encourage you to talk honestly about your feelings as opposed to sharing details of stories. We will ask you to do this because not everyone can relate to a life experience, but everyone can understand feelings (e.g., fear, happiness, anger). We realize that asking you to focus on your feelings can be difficult or frustrating at times. However, part of the challenge and benefit of this program is to learn new ways of making deeper connections with others and with your own internal dialogue. Another reason for this is because each time we repeat the details of our stories while we are emotionally charged, we increase or solidify the energetic signature around that experience which either adds to or creates new energetic blocks and barriers that lodge in our bodies (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual/energetic). Learning to discover these blockages, understanding their formation and learning to dismantle their constructs is one of the primary objectives of this program.
V. Respect for Human Dignity and Diversity
No student or instructor is ever to be humiliated, hazed, or abused in any way. By signing this and joining this program, I agree to avoid this destructive behavior. We encourage students to engage in active listening, with the aim of listening for deep understanding as opposed to listening to respond. We will respect others’ differences, beliefs, cultures, sexual identities, and all other forms of intersecting identities that comprise who we are as unique individuals and as members of various groups. Rather than re-capitulating a culture of silence, in class we strive to recognize and acknowledge the impact of stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, oppression, power and privilege as they surface both inside and outside of the class environment. We, as facilitators, strive to meet our commitment to our online-campus community to embrace and celebrate diversity in all its richness, and invest in creating a community based on mutual respect, understanding and openness. As a part of this program, we expect that we will support each other in the process of self- exploration around issues of diversity and other personal difficulties, challenging our own biases and engaging in courageous dialogues for growth.
Student Signature: Date:
Limits of Confidentiality
Arasu Healing Arts Classes and Sessions are confidential, with the below stated exceptions.
Duty to Warn: As Practitioners of the Healing Arts and citizens in society, we are morally and ethically obligated to disclose pertinent information discussed in a session if the client has an intent or plan to harm another person. This includes informing the intended victim and notify legal authorities to the best of our ability.
Suicide/Self Harm: Depression is common emotion expressed in sessions, but if a client is feeling hopeless enough to imply or disclose a plan for suicide; steps need to be taken to ensure safety.
This would include notifying the legal authorities as well as make reasonable attempts to notify the family.
Animal Abuse: I will report animal abuse, including cases of neglect and hoarding.
Vulnerable Adults and Children: Healers are morally and ethically obligated to report stated or suspected abuse of a child or vulnerable adult to the appropriate social service agencies and/or legal authorities.
Prenatal Exposure to Controlled Substances: in keeping with protecting vulnerable populations, Practitioners of the Healing Arts are morally and ethically obligated to report admitted use of controlled substances during pregnancy that are potentially harmful to the fetus.
Minors/Guardianship: Parents or legal guardians have the right to access a minor client’s health information this includes all sessions within the realm of the healing arts. It is the policy of Arasu Healing Arts that the age of adult for healing sessions is 18.
I have read and understand the above-stated limitations to confidentiality. I accept the subsequent ramifications should there be a need to act on one of the above- stated exceptions. Other than the noted exceptions, if there are reasons to disclose my protected confidential information I understand that I will be provided a Release of Information form.
Student Signature: Date:
Student Printed Name: Date: